Monday, January 16, 2012

Just thought about something that would really be cool for the hobby of baseball cards!! Do you ever wonder when you pull a serial numbered card out of a pack how many more of that serial numbered insert are left out there in packs waiting to be found? Would it not be awesome if there was a sight that you could check off a serial numbered card that you pulled so you could see exactly how many have been pulled and how many are left out there to be found? Now obviously this would not be exact because everybody wouldn't enter their card, but I just thought this was a neat idea. Because I was admiring my latest autograph card this morning (blue bordered Michael Pineda auto chrome)and it is numbered to 199. I was wondering, I wonder how many of these cards have actually been found?!? For all I know only 50 may CURRENTLY exist! Just thought this was an interesting idea. thought this was "blog worthy" anyways let me know what you think!


William Regenthal said...

I think it's a good idea man. I'm sure some kind of database will exist at some point.

Drew said...

Wow, thats a really cool idea! I could go for a site like that for sure!

Scott Hubbard said...

That's kinda what I was thinking! It would be really neat.